To prepare the duck legs. Open out the legs and liberally rub in the salt and leave to cure for 4-5 hours. Wash off the salt and dry the legs.Pre-heat the oven to 160°C. Place into an ovenproof pot. Cover with the duck fat and add the thyme and halved garlic cloves.Place onto the heat and bring to the boil, then turn down to a simmer and place into the oven with a lid on the top. You might have to use a smaller lid on top of the oil to ensure that all the legs are submerged.Cook for approximately 2 hours until the legs are very tender. Do not allow them to dry out. Remove from the oven, allow to cool in the duck fat.To reheat and glaze, heat the oven to 170°C. Place the legs into the oven and reheat slowly to allow the skin to crisp up.Halfway through reheating, paint with the chilli glaze and repeat at least twice more until the leg is glossy and crispy.This is great served with a stir fry of cabbage, with black beans and coriander.
6 large barbary duck legs
sea salt
1 whole garlic bulb and sprig of thyme
duck or goose fat to cover
Honey and Chilli Glaze100ml Papa Djabs Black Label100ml Japanese Soy Sauce (aged is better)100 ml Jim Shewans Ellon Honey ( this honey is made near Banchory in Scotland)1 clove of smoked garlic grated
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