Nectarine Pie Filling |

This is a sponsored post from Sweet Preservation. Sweet Preservationis a community of cherry and soft fruit growers located in Washington statethat are out to promote home preservation of stone fruit grown in theNorthwestern United States. Sweet Preservation’s web site has canning recipes,canning jar labels, and health information on home preserving. As a canner, Iwas really excited when Sweet Preservation offered to send me a box of stonefruit for canning since stone fruits were very scarce this year. I was elatedwhen I opened up the box and saw nectarines because I did not can any nectarinesthis year due to price. I really wanted to make some nectarine pie filling, andnow I got my opportunity to make one of my favorite pie fillings.
In my opinion nectarine pie filling is best with no extraspices. The beautiful orange summery fruit is best enjoyed without anyconflicting flavors. One large nectarine equaled 1 cup of sliced nectarines whichmade scaling up this pie filling very easy.
Nectarine, Oatmeal, Almond Crisp |

Ingredients for nectarine piefilling (makes 1 quart jar)modified from Creating Nirvana
1 cup sugar
¼ cup + 1 tbsp Clear Jel (not Sure Jel)
¾ cup water
¼ cup bottled lemon juice
1. Add the Clear Jel, sugar, water, and lemon juice to a large sauce pot. Bringthe mixture to a boil while stirring constantly with a wooden spoon
2. Add the nectarines to the boiling mixture. Gently stir constantly. Once thejel comes back to a simmer the nectarine pie filling will thicken. Continue tocook the nectarine pie filling until it is thick and gooey.
3. Ladle the hot pie filling into a quart jar. Leave 1 inch headspace. Processin a boiling water canner for 30 minutes.

Ingredients for Nectarine, Oatmeal,and Almond Crisp
1 quart jar of nectarine pie filling(see recipe above)
1. Preheatthe oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Placethe pie filling in an ungreased pie pan or 8 in x 8 in glass pan. Set aside.
3. Mixoats, almonds, flour, sugar, and oil in a small bowl until all the ingredientsare coated with the oil.
4. Sprinklethe oat mixture on top of the nectarine filling.
5. Bakethe crisp for 30 minutes or until the top is golden brown and the pie fillingis bubbly.

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