This is a sponsored post. Growing up my grandmother had twoplum trees. Unfortunately, plums were one of my least favorite fruits. Now thatI am older I recognize it was never the flavor of plums that I disliked.Instead I disliked the texture of plums. I did not care for their rubbery skinwith a soft inside. I found the skin too tuff for the interior of the plum.This made me avoid plums for years.
In the past few years I have learned to appreciate plumsagain. I really enjoy deep dark purple plum juice. I get all the flavor of the plumthat I enjoy without the unpleasant texture. This plum juice is very concentratedso you can dilute the juice upon serving. I usually dilute the juice by 50%.This makes the juice about the same consistency as store bought juice.
These wonderful plums were provided by The Washington Fruit Commissionand Sweet Preservation. Sweet Preservation is a canning website with lots offun extras like how to plan a canning party and canning labels. They eveninclude information on the health benefits of canning your produce. They alsohave more plum canning recipes, if you are looking for more ways to can yourplums.

Ingredients makes about 3 pints
6 cups purple plums, pits removed and sliced in half
1. Add the plums and water to a pot. The plumsshould be completely submerged in the water. If the plums are not submerged inthe water then add more water.2. Simmer the plums for 2 hours or until the plumsare completely mushy and the water has turned a deep dark purple color.3. Filter the juice with a strainer double linedwith a cheese cloth.4. Add the filtered juice back to a pot and bringto a boil.5. Ladle the hot juice into jars leaving ¼ inchhead space. If your last jar does not have enough juice in it to fill the jar,then add some hot water.6. Adjust the two piece caps.7. Process in a boiling water canner for 15 minutesin a boiling water bath.8. To serve, dilute with water by 50%.

Posted on Simple Lives Thursday, Full Plate Thursday
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