If you're not familiar with Goodwill Outlets, they are a "last stop" for many items before they are bailed up and turned into mops, or sent to landfills and recycling centers. I thought this piece could be used to help organize jewelry, so I snatched it up (for about 49 cents)!

This plant shelf was kind of wonky and wobbly, so it got some scraps of wood nailed to the back to add rigidity. To add patina to the shelf, I tried wiping on a little vinegar. The vinegar did darken the wood somewhat, but I ended up adding a little stain to the piece to get it a bit darker. Oh well, the vinegar probably killed any lingering germs, right?

Remember my Anthropology inspired cabinet knobs?

I thought they would be perfect to hang necklaces from. I love the contrast between "fancy" and rustic! The little shelf holds a basket of baubles, and pins and broaches.
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