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Recently I’ve seen several versions of pull-apart breads, both inmagazines and online, so I decided to adapt my favorite roll dough to thistechnique. I used half of the dough to make a sweet loaf and the other half for a savory variation.Note: Recipes without photos appear at the bottom on post.Cinnamon ApplePull-Apart Bread Makes 1standard loaf + I had some left over that I baked in an individual soufflé dish(a custard cup would also work)
½ batch of Rapidmix-CoolriseRoll Dough (find recipe at bottom ofthis post) Filling About 3 tablespoons butter,softened ½ cup packed brown sugar 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon ½ cup walnuts, chopped Glaze — combine the following ingredients: 2/3 cup sifted powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 to 3 tablespoona milk1. Spray a 9" x 5" loaf pan.2. Turn ½ batch of Rapidmix-CoolriseRoll Dough onto a smooth surface. Roll the dough into a 12" x14" rectangle.3. Spread softened butter over the entire top on thedough.4. Sprinkle brown sugar over the top and then sprinklewith cinnamon and walnuts.  |
Dough has been rolled into a rectangle, butter, brown sugar and other toppings have been added. So far this follows the traditional method used in making ordinary cinnamon rolls. |
5. Cut the dough crosswise into six strips.
6. Stack the strips on top of one another.
7. Cut the stack into six pieces.
8. Turn the pieces on edge, and place them in the loafpan, one in front of the other from one end of the pan to the other — squeezethem in tight. (I had a few excess pieces that I added to a single servingsoufflé dish that had been sprayed.) Sprinkle any nuts or brown sugar that hasfallen off over the top.
9. Cover the pan and allow the loaf to rise for 30 to 60minutes, until it's almost doubled in size. While the loaf is rising, preheatthe oven to 350°.10. Bake the loaf for30 to 40 minutes in the center of the oven; cover with foil near the end if itbegins to get to brown. In order to be sure the bread is done all the waythrough, insert an instant read thermometer into the center of the loaf — when it registers between 180-190° it is done. (I baked thepieces in the soufflé dish for just about 12 minutes.)11. Remove the loaffrom the oven, and transfer it to a rack to cool for 15 to 20 minutes beforeturning it out of the pan to cool completely.12. While stillslightly warm, spoon the glaze over the top of the loaf.Herb & CheesePull-Apart Bread Makes 1standard loaf + I had some left over that I baked in an individual soufflé dish(a custard cup would also work)
½ batch of Rapidmix-CoolriseRoll Dough (find recipe at bottom ofthis post) Filling About 3 tablespoons butter,softened ½ cup Parmesan cheese About 1 tablespoon of fresh thymeleaves About ½ to 1 tablespoon coarseblack pepper About 2 teaspoon Kosher salt Melted butter to drizzle overbread right before it is served, if desired1. Spray a 9" x 5" loaf pan.2. Turn ½ batch of Rapidmix-CoolriseRoll Dough onto a smooth surface. Roll the dough into a 12" x14" rectangle.3. Spread softened butter over the entire top on thedough, 4. Sprinkle with cheese, thyme leaves, black pepper andKosher salt.
5. Cut the dough crosswise into six strips.
6. Stack the strips on top of one another.
7. Cut the stack into six pieces.
8. Turn the pieces on edge, and place them in the loafpan, one in front of the other from one end of the pan to the other — squeezethem in tight. (I had a few excess pieces that I added to a single servingsoufflé dish that had been sprayed.) Sprinkle any cheese that has fallen offover the top.
9. Cover the pan and allow the loaf to rise for 30 to 60minutes, until it's almost doubled in size. While the loaf is rising, preheatthe oven to 350°.10. Bake the loaf for30 to 40 minutes in the center of the oven; cover with foil near the end if itbegins to get to brown. In order to be sure the bread is done all the waythrough, insert an instant read thermometer into the center of the loaf — when it registers between 180-190° it is done. (I baked the pieces in the soufflé dish for just about 12 minutes.)11. Remove the loaffrom the oven, and transfer it to a rack to cool for 15 to 20 minutes beforeturning it out of the pan to cool completely.
12. Right beforeserving, pour melted butter over the top of the loaf if desired.Rapidmix-Coolrise Roll Dough (Thisis a basic roll dough that I use for both savory and sweet recipes)5 to 6 cups all-purpose flour, unsifted
2 (¼ oz.) pkg. or scant 2 tablespoons yeast
½ cup granulated sugar
1½ teaspoons salt
½ cup butter (1 stick), cut into pieces
1½ cups hot water (120° to 130°)
2 large eggs
Vegetable oil
1. Combine2 cups flour, undissolved yeast, sugar and salt in large bowl. Stir well to blend. Add butter. Add hot water. Beat with electricmixer at medium speed for 2 minutes. Scrapebowl occasionally.
2. Addeggs and 2 cups more flour. Beat with electric mixer at high speed for 2 minutesor until thick and elastic.

3. Graduallystir in just enough of remaining flour with wooden spoon (or dough hook ofmixer) to make a soft dough which leaves sides of bowl. (Dough should be very soft and pliable without being sticky; toomuch flour will yield a tough dough that is hard to form and resists sealing whenshaped.) |
At first the dough is quite sticky. |
With the addition of more flour and kneading, the dough begins to pull away from the sides of the bowl but it is still sticky. |
Almost there but notice that the dough is still sticky near the bottom of the mixing bowl |
4. Turnout onto floured board and knead 5 to 10 minutes or until dough is smooth andelastic (or continue process in mixing bowl, using a dough hook, if preferred).  |
Just enough flour has been added so the dough completely pulls away from the bottom and sides of the bowl. |
Place dough in a greased bowl (or extra large plastic resealable bag), turningto grease top. 
5. Cover;let rise in warm place, free from drafts until doubled in size, about 30minutes. 
Dough may be used now or placedin refrigerator (make sure surface is well oiled and covered loosely withplastic wrap. Refrigerate 2 to 24 hours.When ready to use, remove from refrigerator and let stand 10 to 15 minutes andproceed with preferred shaping methods. ---adaptedfrom Fleischmann’s Bake-it-easy YeastBook, 1973 and The Kirby HouseCookbook, Meta Newell West, Nov., 2001.Recipes without photos . . .Cinnamon ApplePull-Apart Bread Makes 1standard loaf + I had some left over that I baked in an individual soufflé dish(a custard cup would also work)½ batch of Rapidmix-CoolriseRoll Dough (find recipe at bottom ofthis post) Filling About 3 tablespoons butter,softened ½ cup packed brown sugar 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon ½ cup walnuts, chopped Glaze — combine the following ingredients 2/3 cup sifted powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 to 3 tablespoon milk1. Spray a 9" x 5" loaf pan.2. Turn ½ batch of Rapidmix-CoolriseRoll Dough onto a smooth surface. Roll the dough into a 12" x14" rectangle.3. Spread softened butter over the entire top on thedough.4. Sprinkle brown sugar over the top and then sprinklewith cinnamon and walnuts. 5. Cut the dough crosswise into six strips. 6. Stack the strips on top of one another. 7. Cut the stack into six pieces.8. Turn the pieces on edge, and place them in the loafpan, one in front of the other from one end of the pan to the other — squeezethem in tight. (I had a few excess pieces that I added to a single servingsoufflé dish that had been sprayed.) Sprinkle any nuts or brown sugar that hasfallen off over the top.9. Cover the pan and allow the loaf to rise for 30 to 60minutes, until it's almost doubled in size. While the loaf is rising, preheatthe oven to 350°.10. Bake the loaf for30 to 40 minutes in the center of the oven; cover with foil near the end if itbegins to get to brown. In order to be sure the bread is done all the waythrough, insert an instant read thermometer into the center of the loaf — when it registers between 180-190°m it is done. (I baked thedough in the soufflé dish for just about 12 minutes.)11. Remove the loaffrom the oven, and transfer it to a rack to cool for 15 to 20 minutes beforeturning it out of the pan to cool completely.12. While stillslightly warm, spoon the glaze over the top of the loaf.Herb & CheesePull-Apart Bread Makes 1standard loaf + I had some left over that I baked in an individual soufflé dish(a custard cup would also work)½ batch of Rapidmix-CoolriseRoll Dough (find recipe at bottom ofthis post) -- preare Filling About 3 tablespoons butter,softened ½ cup Parmesan cheese About 1 tablespoon of fresh thymeleaves About ½ to 1 tablespoon coarseblack pepper About 2 teaspoon Kosher salt Melted butter to drizzle overbread right before it is served, if desired1. Spray a 9" x 5" loaf pan.2. Turn ½ batch of Rapidmix-CoolriseRoll Dough onto a smooth surface. Roll the dough into an approximate 12" x14" rectangle.3. Spread softened butter over the entire top on thedough, 4. Sprinkle with cheese, thyme leaves, black pepper andKosher salt. 5. Cut the dough crosswise into six strips. 6. Stack the strips on top of one another. 7. Cut the stack into six pieces.8. Turn the pieces on edge, and place them in the loafpan, one in front of the other from one end of the pan to the other — squeezethem in tight. (I had a few excess pieces that I added to a single servingsoufflé dish that had been sprayed.) Sprinkle any cheese that has fallen offover the top.9. Cover the pan and allow the loaf to rise for 30 to 60minutes, until it's almost doubled in size. While the loaf is rising, preheatthe oven to 350°.10. Bake the loaf for30 to 40 minutes in the center of the oven; cover with foil near the end if itbegins to get to brown. In order to be sure the bread is done all the waythrough, insert an instant read thermometer into the center of the loafregisters between 180-190°. (I baked thedough in the soufflé dish for just about 12 minutes.)11. Remove the loaffrom the oven, and transfer it to a rack to cool for 15 to 20 minutes beforeturning it out of the pan to cool completely.12. Right beforeserving, pour melted butter over the top of the loaf if desired.Rapidmix-Coolrise Roll Dough (Thisis a basic roll dough that I use for both savory and sweet recipes)5 to 6 cups all-purpose flour, unsifted
2 (¼ oz.) pkg. or scant 2 tablespoons yeast
½ cup granulated sugar
1½ teaspoons salt
½ cup butter (1 stick), cut into pieces
1½ cups hot water (120° to 130°)
2 large eggs
Vegetable oil
1. Combine2 cups flour, undissolved yeast, sugar and salt in large bowl. Stir well to blend. Add butter. Add hot water. Beat with electricmixer at medium speed for 2 minutes. Scrapebowl occasionally. 2. Addeggs and 2 cups more flour. Beat with electric mixer at high speed for 2 minutesor until thick and elastic. 3. Graduallystir in just enough of remaining flour with wooden spoon (or dough hook ofmixer) to make a soft dough which leaves sides of bowl. (Dough should be very soft and pliable without being sticky; toomuch flour will yield a tough dough that is hard to form and resists sealing whenshaped.)4. Turnout onto floured board and knead 5 to 10 minutes or until dough is smooth andelastic (or continue process in mixing bowl, using a dough hook, if preferred).Place dough in a greased bowl (or extra large plastic resealable bag), turningto grease top. 5. Cover;let rise in warm place, free from drafts until doubled in size, about 30minutes. Dough may be used now or placedin refrigerator (make sure surface is well oiled and covered loosely withplastic wrap. Refrigerate 2 to 24 hours.When ready to use, remove from refrigerator and let stand 10 to 15 minutes andproceed with preferred shaping methods. ---adapted from Fleischmann’s Bake-it-easy Yeast Book, 1973 and The Kirby House Cookbook, Meta NewellWest, Nov., 2001
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