This sweet little stray adopted me many months ago. He would come around and cry for food and want to be patted. He REALLY wanted to come in, but Maddie and Splotchy wouldn't have any of that. Splotchy would attack the window whenever he came around.
I named him Bobra because of his odd resemblance to Barbra Streisand, but I had to boy-ize the name. I was so sad that someone would let this beautiful, sweet little kitty roam the streets and run the risk of getting eaten by a coyote.
Well one day, he did get attacked. He came limping into my yard on three legs, with one of his back feet completely mangled. I thought I could see his bone, and his foot was a mess. I rushed him to the emergency vet, where he spent the night. Many hundreds of dollars later, he was recuperating in my garage. As the weeks went by and he got better, I got sadder and sadder at the prospect of putting him back out with the coyotes. I didn't have much of a choice though - a life in the garage is no fun for a young kitty that just wanted to sit on my lap and I'm sure sleep on my bed. I pleaded with my Facebook and Twitter friends to find him a forever inside home, and had no luck.
And then - a Twitter miracle!! My friend Leslie - of Crookedstamper fame - said "I'll take him!" Leslie had lost her sweet kitty not too long ago and we all grieved with her, as we'd come to love Koshka from her pictures on Twitter and on her blog. But Bobra walked into her heart and the time was right - they were destined to be together!
One tiny obstacle - Leslie lives in Maryland and I live in Austin. Enter another Twitter miracle - P.E.T.S. - a pet transport company! For a great price, our friends at P.E.T.S. will drive our mutually loved furbaby from here to there, stopping every three hours to feed and love on him, and delivering him safely into the hands of my sweet friend.
So today, I am driving to meet them in Houston. I will probably cry a lot when I have to say goodbye to this sweet creature, but I'm so happy to know that someone I love and trust is going to love him and keep him safe for the rest of his life. I can't think of a happier ending.
Today is also the day that my Matchbox Dresser Tutorial is featured on Splitcoast! I love this project. As you will remember, I showed you a sneak peek last year (yes, that's how far ahead we schedule our tutorials) and I've been waiting and waiting to show you how to do it!

The step by step instructions with measurements are above, and here's the video. I hope you enjoy it. This is the perfect project to use up the metric tons of paper we all hoard :)
Wish little Bobra a good trip - I'm going to be a giant worryball until he's safe with Leslie.
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