Pastel de Elote — Mexican Corn Pie
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I had good intentions of trying thisrecipe back in August of 2008 after I interviewed Marla Jo Batchelder for mymonthly food column that appears in the Reflector-Chronicle. She told me, “IfI need something really fast for lunch, I make Pastel de Elote or Mexican CornPie. I serve this with a salad in thesummer or with soup in the winter.” But, like many of my good intentions, Inever got around to trying the recipe. The recipe againreappeared last April when I interviewed Dona Myers. It seems that yearsago Hilda Carlile (Marla Jo Batchelder’s mother) delivered this to Dona whenshe arrived home from a hospital stay. I did notice her version had an addition— 4 oz. sharp Cheddar cheese, cut in ½”cubes. Again, I thought about making therecipe. . . . and again that didn't happen. However, I am now in the process of proofreading a year’s worth of my cooking columns that will go on sale in cookbookform on December 2nd at the Dickinson County Heritage Center. Sothere must be some truth in the adage – the third time in a charm – as I actually got around to making therecipe this time. I served this piefor a brunch along with mini corn muffins, spicy tomato juice (Bloody Mary mix without added vodka or gin) and fruit. 
The original recipe appears on p. 257 of Colorado CacheCookbook. The book was originallycopyrighted in 1978 by The Junior League of Denver, Inc. and has gone throughat least 23 printing runs. Pastel de Elote (MexicanCorn Pie) 8 servings3 large eggs1 (8 3/4 oz.)can cream style corn1 (10 oz.)package frozen corn, thawed & drained1/2 cup butter,melted (1 stick)1/2 cup yellowcornmeal1 cup sour cream(8 oz.)4 oz. MontereyJack cheese, cut in 1/2” cubes1 (4 oz.) canchopped mild green chilies1/2 teaspoonsalt1/4 teaspoonWorcestershire sauce¼ chopped redpepper (this was my addition as I had some on hand and thought they’d add alittle color and additional flavor)1. Greasea 10” pie plate generously with shortening or spray with pan release. 2. In alarge bowl, beat eggs. 3. Addremaining ingredients and stir until thoroughly mixed. 
4. Pourinto pie plate and bake uncovered at 350° for l hour.
Note: The piemay be baked and then kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat refrigerated pie at 350° for about 20minutes. The pie may also be frozenafter baking and kept frozen for up to 3 months. Thaw and reheat at 350° for about 20 minutes.Recipe without photos . . .Pastel de Elote (MexicanCorn Pie) 8 servings3 large eggs1 (8 3/4 oz.)can cream style corn1 (10 oz.)package frozen corn, thawed & drained1/2 cup butter,melted (1 stick)1/2 cup yellowcornmeal1 cup sour cream(8 oz.)4 oz. MontereyJack cheese, cut in 1/2” cubes1 (4 oz.) canchopped mild green chilies1/2 teaspoonsalt1/4 teaspoonWorcestershire sauce¼ chopped redpepper (this was my addition as I had some on hand and thought they’d add alittle color and additional flavor)5. Greasea 10” pie plate generously with shortening or spray with pan release. 6. In alarge bowl, beat eggs. 7. Addremaining ingredients and stir until thoroughly mixed. 8. Pourinto pie plate and bake uncovered at 350° for l hour.Note: The piemay be baked and then kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat refrigerated pie at 350° for about 20minutes. The pie may also be frozenafter baking and kept frozen for up to 3 months. Thaw and reheat at 350° for about 20 minutes.
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