Last year I received a large box of plums from a farmerfriend of mine who did not have time to can all of her plums. The plums wereseconds, so they were not suitable for canning whole, so I pureed them and cannedthem as a sauce. When I was quickly canning these time sensitive plums, I hadno idea what I was going to do with plum sauce at the time. I was simply tryingto not to waste food.
After I canned the plum sauce they sat on my shelf for a fewmonths. I would move them around trying to avoid them on my shelf because I couldnot figure out what to do with them. I am not a big fan of plums. Mygrandmother had a plum tree growing up, and I had more plum jelly than I couldstand growing up. I even contemplated giving away the plum sauce to anyone whowanted it, but I figured I would get a puzzled look as people asked me whatthey can do with plum sauce. Then, one day I was making chocolate cake, and Iwent to my refrigerator to get the butter out when I realized that I had nobutter. I thought about using applesauce in place of butter, so I went over tomy pantry to pull out a fresh jar of applesauce when I saw the jars of plum saucesitting there that I had neglected and ignored for months. I pulled out one ofthe purple jars and hoped for the best. I figure that I could easily get rid ofmy plum sauce supply if I used it in chocolate recipes.
Luckily, the plum sauce produce worked the same asapplesauce in baked goods. The plum flavor was not detectible in the chocolatecake. This was the perfect use of my plum sauce supply. Now one year later I amgetting ready to can plum sauce again for use in chocolate baked goods.

Ingredients makes about 1 quart
- 4 cups coarsely chopped plums with the skins on, pitsremoved (I used dark purple plums)
1. Puree the plums. I used an immersion blender thepuree the plums.
Posted on Food Renegade,Simple Lives Thursday
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