First, I went to Starbucks one morning and had my eyes assaulted by a 65-ish year old male cyclist who had his bike outfit on - and, I have to say, this already qualified him as nekkid pretty much - just a different color than his birthday suit, but otherwise pretty much nekkid. But that wasn't the issue.
The issue was that he had the dang thing completely unzipped in the front, practically clear down to his nether regions.
I was completely appalled. I can honestly tell you that it has NEVER, in the history of the WORLD, been hot enough anywhere on earth to justify this behavior. Never.
Also, I believe it was a health department violation. If not, it should be.
But THEN - then the Olympics started. And sand volleyball. Which, according to one player who actually kept a straight face while answering John McEnroe's question about why they were playing practically nekkid, said that the sport was SO advanced that it required the highly specialized "equipment" of a tiny string in everyone's butt and little else.
It's been the source of many hilarious observations in social media, and for that I am grateful.
But it has also led to an invention by me.
As you know, I don't sew. It's a genetic disability. Well I can cross stitch and embroider - does that count as sewing? I can also stamp sewing images, as you can see here.

Stamps: Click to see and buy Hoop La LaPaper: Real Red Polka Dot DSP, Early Espresso, Whisper WhiteInk: Early EspressoAccessories: Real Red & Early Espresso markers, Large Scallop Edgelit, 2.5" circle punch
So here's my idea for a little sewing first aid for our volleyball players and our exhibitionist men at Starbucks. A cover up! Most women own a bathing suit cover up already because it's a generally accepted norm that you should only be in your bathing suit when you're actually in or quite near a significant body of water. The mall, for example, is not a place where you should appear in a bikini, regardless of whether or not you are an Olympian. So I have made the following modifications to inappropriate use of athletic outfits.

Or for my biking friend, he'd just have to adjust the position of the wrap.

Better, don't you think?
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