This is a sponsored post. Over the years I have learned thatI really enjoy fruit butters because of their intense fruit flavor, but I donot enjoy the large quantities of sugar that usually go into make fruitbutters, so I decided this year to make a peach butter with a little honey as asweetener. I have found that I am a better judge of how much honey I need if Ialready reduce the peach puree down by 50%. I add just enough honey to takeaway the harsh tartness of the peach butter. This leaves me with a mildly sweetpeach butter with a very intense peach flavor.
I usually do not have peaches this late in the season, but theWashington State Fruit Commission and Sweet Preservation were kind enough tosend me a box of fruit that included peaches. The peaches came in blemish free and slightly firm, but I prefer my peaches a little softer and riper. If you buy peaches that are not to your desired level of ripeness, then storethe peaches at room temperature. The peaches will ripen within a few days. Oncethe peaches are to your desired level of ripeness, you need to eat or can themquickly because they can turn into a pile of mold quickly. My peaches took 3days to ripen to my desired level of ripeness.
To get your hands on beautiful Washington fruit go to yourlocal grocery store. Washington peaches are becoming more popular in grocerystores especially in areas where peaches are already out of season locally. Ifyour store does not carry Washington peaches, then talk to your store managerabout getting Washington peaches on the shelves at your local grocery store.
When buying peaches at the grocery store, there are severalthings to keep in mind. Look for a store with a well maintained producedepartment that carries no bruised or over ripe fruit and is equipped with airconditioning. Always buy peaches that are slightly firm so they do not bruisewhile transporting them to your house. Once they are home you can allow them toripen to your desired level.
For more peach canning recipes, check out Sweet Preservation. Sweet Preservation also has some really great canning labels that you can print from your computer. My favorite labels are called Hippie Chic. They are beautiful bright orange labels that would be perfect for this sugar free peach butter.

Ingredients (makes about 3 pints)
20 peaches
1. Peel the peaches. You can peel the peaches witha vegetable peeler or you can dip the peaches in hot water for 30 seconds (makesure to turn the peaches in the water so all sides of the peaches get hot) andthen dunk them in an ice water bath for 2 minutes. The peels will slip rightoff.

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