I was struck by two things. Well, maybe three.
First of all, I typically see movies about ten years after they are released. I don't like theaters very much, and I get a wee bit antsy about sitting in the dark with strangers. Especially when I can hear them eating.
I attribute this, as I do most things I'm afraid of, to the Grimm brothers and Edward Gorey.
So I didn't even know that the lead was played by Daniel Day Lewis until we were in the car on the way home - that's how good he was.
I was very taken by how charming they made Lincoln. That was never a word I would have described him with. My first impression of him was the monument in DC I saw when I was somewhere between kindergarten and fourth grade. Seeing that is still one of the most memorable moments of my life. It's a heart stopping monument, whether or not you even know who he was. He was imposing, dignified, larger than life, stoic. Not charming. So that was very enjoyable in the movie, whether or not it was accurate.
Next, there was the fact that that politicians were, are and always shall be, lower life forms not worthy of our energy. Sheesh. Some things never change.
God bless our American revolutionaries who understood this in their very DNA. I have that DNA :).
Finally - there was a quote which really paused the movie for me and made it hard for me to concentrate for the remainder.
Lincoln quoted the Euclidian "common notion":
Things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another.
All creatures great and small.
Think about that one for a while.
Meanwhile, happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends! As usual, I'm a day late. But I couldn't resist CASE'ing a card I saw on Facebook for the start of Hanukkah - the Keep Calm and Shalom cracked me up :).

I used some sneak peek goodies from our spring mini catalog, including the hexagon embossing folder, the DSP, the Pool Party embossing folder and the ribbon. Pretty, eh? The stamp sets are Carry On and Jewish Celebrations. Can't wait to show you the rest!
Hope you are having a good December - I was shocked to see today that there are only 16 more days until Christmas - where does the time go?
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